

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Moringa tree grows quickly and is easy to cultivate. The Moringa leaf, fresh or processed into dried powder, can be used as an every-day food item in a multitude of ways: in ready-made meals, juices, breads, pasta, fritters, condiments, instant soups… This food can be used in households, school cafeterias, dispensaries, maternity wards, nutrition rehabilitation centres, as well as in restaurants and supermarkets.
1. Nutritional content of fresh Moringa oleifera tree leaves
Moringa oleifera tree leaves belong to the family of dark green leafy vegetables, a food group particularly rich in nutrients. In particular, the leaves are a good source of proteins, calcium, iron, ß-carotene (converted to vitamin A in the human body), vitamin C and vitamin E. In addition, Moringa leaves have a high dry matter content (around 20-25%) compared to most other plant food sources (generally around 10%). This makes it even more beneficial as a fresh vegetable since 100 grams of fresh leaves will bring twice as much nutritive material as 100 grams of most other vegetables.
Eating 100 grams fresh Moringa oleifera tree leaves provides you with as much protein as an egg, as much calcium as a big glass of milk, as much iron as a 200 grams beef steak, as much vitamin A as a carrot and as much vitamin C as an orange.
Indeed, 100 grams fresh Moringa oleifera leaves are enough to cover:
• 30 to 100% of the daily recommended intake of calcium (30 to 50% for teenagers, 40 to 60% for adults, children and pregnant and breastfeeding women, 80 to 100% for young children below 3 years old)
• 25 to 80% of the daily recommended intake of iron (25% for pregnant women, 40-60% for teenagers and women, 50 to 100% for men and children).
As for vitamins, the recommended daily intake for vitamin A varies from 400 μg retinol equivalents (young children) to 1,000 μg retinol equivalents (breastfeeding women). Therefore, 100 grams of fresh Moringa tree leaves could theoretically cover 100% of daily needs, but this is highly variable depending on storage conditions and how they are eaten, as vitamin A degrades over time and when exposed to light or heat. Similarly, 100 grams of fresh Moringa leaves could cover 100% of the vitamin C requirements, for which the recommended daily intake varies from 60 mg (young children) to 130 mg (breastfeeding women), but this vitamin degrades quickly with time and during cooking.
For optimal nutrient retention, it is advised to consume fresh Moringa tree leaves shortly after harvesting and to cook the leaves for a short time (a few minutes only), or even to eat them raw if they are young and tender
10 grams of Moringa leaf powder per day cover:
• About 30% of the recommended daily intake for children between 1 and 3 years old.
• About 25% of the recommended daily intake for children between 4 and 9 years old as well as adult women.
• About 15% of the recommended daily intake for teenagers and women over 55.
• About 30% of the recommended daily intake for children between 1 and 12 years old.
• About 15% of the daily recommended intake for teenagers.
• About 20% of the daily recommended intake for adults over 55.
• About 12% of the recommended daily intake for adult women.
• About 7% of the recommended daily intake for pregnant women.
Vitamin A
• 50 to 100% of the recommended daily intake for all population categories.
Moringa oleifera leaf powder can be used somewhat like dried spirulina, a nutritionally rich, green seaweed, often used as a dietary supplement.

2. Nutritional content of dry Moringa oleifera tree leaf powder
Another way of consuming Moringa leaves is to dry them and reduce them into powder, making it easier to store and use at any time. To ensure the good nutritional and microbiological quality of the leaf powder, its water content has to be lower than 7%, the drying time should be as short as possible and the drying temperature not too high (no more than 50-55°C).
Even if a large amount of the vitamins are lost during drying and storage, the leaf powder still constitutes a very rich nutritional supplement, since it is a concentrate of the Moringa oleifera leaves
Moringa tree leaf powder can be stored for some time before it is consumed. If so, the leaf powder has to be stored in a water- air- and light-proof container to preserve as much vitamins as possible and avoid microbial contamination. In storage, the protein and mineral contents will be preserved for up to six months, whereas a loss of up to 50% of vitamins can be reached after six months of storage.
Once the container is opened, the leaf powder should be consumed quickly (within one week) since its water content will increase and it will be exposed to microbial contamination. For this reason, it is advised to package Moringa leaf powder in rather small containers.
3. Nutritional content of cooked Moringa oleifera leaves
Fresh Moringa leaves can be eaten raw, if they are very young and tender, but usually they are cooked. Even if cooking the leaves destroys a part of their nutrients, notably vitamins, others become easier to assimilate. For this reason, it is important to consider various ways of cooking the leaves and to understand how to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients. This can be achieved by associating Moringa oleifera tree leaves with other ingredients that enhance the availability of nutrients, by cooking the leaves only for a short time, or by keeping the liquid (water, sauce) in which the Moringa leaves are cooked. Using Moringa leaf powder is also a way of preserving nutrients (although some have been lost during drying and storage), as the powder can be added to food after cooking.
Moringa oleifera- Vitamin C
A study from Sri Lanka showed that on average, leafy vegetables lose 32% of their vitamin C content when they are boiled for five minutes, and 54% in ten minutes. Steaming is less damaging, with 15% loss in five minutes and 39% loss in ten minutes. Cooking Moringa oleifera tree leaves or Moringa oleifera tree leaf powder the least possible time is thus a good way to preserve the vitamin C content.
Moringa oleifera - Beta-carotene
The World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC, Taiwan) showed that the retention of total carotene and beta-carotene of Moringa oleifera tree leaves was enhanced by adding oil to the leaves during pressure cooking (76-99% of retention with oil against 46-63% without).
Moringa oleifera - Iron
The bioavailability of nutrients is the ability they have to be digested and used by the human body. The bioavailability of the iron provided by plants is lower than when provided by meat. A good way to improve the availability of iron to the body is to add vitamin C to the dish. This can be done by using lemon juice, lemon peel or fresh tomatoes.
AVRDC demonstrated that boiling Moringa tree leaves in water enhanced the in vitro iron bioavailability of fresh leaves and leaves dried powder by 3.5 and 3 times, respectively. In addition, boiling the leaves in water enhanced aqueous antioxidant activity. This shows that cooking Moringa tree leaves does not necessarily have a negative impact on nutrient intake. The heat destroys some of the vitamin C, but improves the assimilation of iron. The best option is to vary consumption modes.
4. Water soluble and fat soluble vitamins
Vitamin C and all the B vitamins contained in the Moringa oleifera tree leaf are water-soluble. Other vitamins are soluble in fat: such is the case of vitamin A (ß-carotene) and E (a-tocopherol). When cooking fresh or dried leaves, the cooking water should be kept to benefit from the vitamins B and C, soluble in water. In addition, to render the fat-soluble vitamins A and E available, it is suggested that the leaves be cooked using oil or other sources of fat. Ideally, the Moringa leaves should be quickly boiled in a small quantity of water. Add both Moringa oleifera tree leaves and the cooking water to a sauce containing a source of fat. This way both water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, only slightly diminished by cooking, are made available.


The Moringa oleifera tree leaf is a nutritionally rich, ecological and economical vegetable available in practically all tropical countries. It is therefore essential to develop the production and consumption of this "green superfood". Processed or fresh, the moringa oleifera leaf is not only a new, promising source of income and employment, but also an outstanding, nutritionally rich vegetable for families and markets.


Because we use only very low level temperature during the freeze drying process to remove water from our Superior variety fresh moringa the result of dried moringa leaf that more nutritious than it would with other types of drying.
Gram to Gram comparison with ORGANIC VEDA freeze dried moringa leaf with specific nutrient rich foods
11 times the Vitamin A in Carrot
4 times the Vitamin C in Orange
5 times the Vitamin B1 in Cowpea
30 times the Vitamin B2 in Almond
17 times the Calcium in Milk 
26 times the Iron in spinach 
15 times the Fibre in Wheat
2 times the Protein in Egg
18 times the Potassium in Banana 



Freeze drying is water removing process from fresh produce under low temperature. Unlike other drying process, it preserves nutritional value, flavor, texture, freshness, original shape, color and aroma as well enhancing self life. Heat drying process has certain drawbacks. The water inside the food is in liquid form, but the heat of the sun or other source slowly converts it to a gas. As the liquid passes out of the food, the cell walls are often damaged and the essential flavor and texture of the food is lost. This is why freeze drying has an advantage over heat drying. The unique benefits of freeze-dried Organic Veda Moringa Products include:
  • Natural & Nutritious
  • Higher potency
  • Faster absorption by the body
  • Dried in an oxygen-free environment
  • Long shelf life
  • Shape and texture of is retained
  • Concentrated fresh flavor in end product
  • Natural fresh color, aroma and nutritional value retained
  • Organic certified


Organic produce are those that are produced using environmentally sound methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms. On a food label, "organic" means the foods was produced without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, sewage sludge, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, chemical food additives, artificial color, flavors. By eliminating massive quantities of toxic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers used in conventional farming, organic farming help protect the health of our air, water and soil. "Certified Organic" means the item has been grown according to strict uniform standards that are verified by independent state or private organizations.


Our superior variety of moringa oleifera used in our certified organic moringa tea blend possessing superior nutrients compound, finest leaves hand harvested in right stage, hygienically low temperature FREEZE DRIED by single untouched batch wise process to protect all the nutrients, original color, aroma, taste and flavor of our superior moringa oleifera and other wonderful organic ingredients. Our moringa is grown under strictest standards of organic cultivation, Freeze dried, processed, packed in our modern hygienic facilities, following strict International organic production standards, Certified on USDA, EUROPEAN UNION, INDIA Organic Standards.


Absolutely NO, In India or Africa, moringa is grown all over the subcontinent for its tender pods, leaves and flowers. This is a backyard tree for daily use in millions of homesteads in South India. People are consuming Moringa for centuries as a staple food and have not reported any problem since then. Modern scientific standards confirm that our moringa tea blend ingredients are 100% safe for regular consumption.


While most of the commonly known 28 amino acids create the different types of proteins the body requires, even 8 of these are not produced within the liver and must be obtained. These 8 key elements are referred to as essential amino acids. Moringa gives you all the 8 essential amino acids. Moringa is incomparable as a source of all Essential amino acids & sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine. Amino acids presents in moringa follows,
Essential Amino Acids: Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine 
Non-Essential Amino Acids: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Cystine, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine.


Antioxidants play a major role in controlling the symptoms of the aging process and improve the cardiovascular health. Additionally, Vitamin C & Vitamin E present, also function as anti-oxidants. Research confirms that the anti-oxidants deliver the desired result, only if taken with the combination of other essential vitamin and minerals. Moringa have approximately 46 naturally occurring antioxidants. It is rich in Flavanoids, a class of anti-oxidants. The major anti-oxidants present are Quercetin, Kaempferol, Beta-Sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic acid and Zeatin.


Moringa leaf contain approximately 20 types of amino acids, 46 types of Anti-oxidant, 36 anti-inflammatory compounds – All natural 90+ nutrients make for the best natural nutrition supplement. It is a tremendous source of bio-available vitamins and minerals which are the co-factors of enzymes and co-enzymes. Moringa is rich in natural vitamins to nourish the body with the essential nutrients, those includes,
VITAMINS: Vitamin A (Alpha & Beta-Carotene), Vitamin B (Choline), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6 (Pyrodixine), Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid), Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid),Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (Tocopherol), Vitamin K
Moringa leaf is a high natural source of Essential Macro & Trace Minerals that includes,
MACRO MINERALS: Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Chromium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Sulfur
TRACE MINERLS: Copper, Fluoride, Iron, Chloride, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Sulphur, Zinc,
Phyto nutrients: Moringa leaf is filled with Phyto nutrients. The phyto nutrients present include Alpha-carotene, Beta-Carotene, Beta-cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Chlorophyll.


  • Moringa Boosts immune system
  • Supports body metabolism, Cell structure of the body
  • Enhances healthy circulatory system & detoxifies your body of toxins
  • Promotes proper digestion
  • Promotes the normal functioning of the liver and the kidney
  • Supports diabetic condition, normal sugar levels of the body
  • Helps you sleep better
  • Gives a feeling of general wellness
  • Provides nourishment to the eyes and the brain
  • Enhances the working of your heart
  • Supports the body's anti-inflammatory mechanisms
  • Positive effects on healthy weight loss, combating premature aging and increasing energy levels and vitality


Moringa oleifera belonging to the family Moringaceae is a handsome softwood tree, native to foothills of Himalayas in India, also called as "Miracle Tree" because of its exceptional nutritious value ever found on our planet and enormous benefits to humanity. In India it is grown all over the subcontinent for its tender pods, leaves and flowers. This is a backyard tree for daily use in millions of homesteads in South India. The Moringa plant has had a long history of success according to India's age-old medicinal tradition known as Ayurveda for centuries, used moringa as healing plant to treat over 300 diseases. ('Ayur' means 'life' "Veda" means knowledge or science)

Moringa, native to parts of Africa and Asia, is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae. The name is derived from the Tamil word murungai which refer to M. oleifera. It contains 13 species from tropical and subtropical climates that range in size from tiny herbs to massive trees.
The most widely cultivated species is Moringa oleifera, a multipurpose tree native to the foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India and cultivated throughout the tropics. M. stenopetala, an African species, is also widely grown, but to a much lesser extent than M. oleifera.
Moringa cultivation is on the rise in Honduras. There are claims that it is a profitable means of combating deforestation, but Moringa is not native to the forests of the New World. As of 2012 support for Moringa farmers is being offered by the Honduran federal government through the Secretary of Agriculture and by private foreign investment firms. The plant's market potential is widespread given its easy growth and high nutrient content. As described below, the plant is valued for its leaves and high-protein seeds. It can also be made into defatted meal. Moringa oleifera silviculture is being promoted as a means to combat poverty and malnutrition.
Moringa grows quickly in many types of environments. Much of the plant is edible by humans or by farm animals. The leaves are rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and minerals. One hundred grams of fresh Moringa leaves have: 2 times the protein of 100 gm yogurt (Moringa 8.3 g, yogurt 3.8 g); 4 times the calcium of 100 gm milk (Moringa 434 mg, whole cow milk 120 mg); the same potassium as 100 gm banana (Moringa 404 mg, banana 376 mg); the same vitamin A as 100 gm carrot (Moringa 738 mcg, carrot 713 mcg); 3 times the vitamin C of 100 gm orange (Moringa 164 mg, orange 46.9 mg.
Feeding the high protein leaves to cattle has been shown to increase weight gain by up to 32% and milk production by 43 to 65%. The seeds contain 30 to 40% oil that is high in oleic acid, while degreased meal is 61% protein.The defatted meal is a flocculant and can be used in water purification to settle out sediments and undesirable organisms.
More recently, the Moringa oleifera is being cultivated in poverty-stricken nations, such as Niger, as a primary source of food and nutrients. The tree is also a rich source of antioxidants.


ORGANIC VEDA MORINGA oil is made from 100% pure organic Moringa seed KERNEL by cold pressing. It is best for skin care, massage and aromatherapy applications. Moringa oil is chock-full of radiance-boosting fatty acids, vitamin A & Vitamin C. Moringa Oil is highly valued in the cosmetic industry for its unique property. Moringa oil is light and spreads easily on the skin. Moringa oil has exceptional anti ageing properties. The antioxidants and the nutrients present in the Moringa oil help to curb the activity of the free radicals on the skin.

Moringa oil, as olive oil is useful in lifting dirt out of the hair and is an efficient natural cleanser. Good antioxidant properties, considered to be the factor behind its remarkable stability. By simply wetting the hair, massaging the oil into the scalp and rinsing can effectively clean and moisturize the scalp. It has nourishing and emollient properties, making it an excellent Massage Oil, which leaves the skin with a silky feeling. Rich in Palmitoleic, Oleic and Linoleic acids, Vitamins A and C and unsaturated fatty acid, Moringa oil has excellent moisturizing and nourishing qualities. Moringa oil is the most stable oil in nature and it does not go rancid.

( Moringa has triple the iron of spinach and more impressive attributes than olive oil. And it's not only good for you, it's delicious. You can cook Moringa in Moringa oil and top it with Moringa sauce and still taste a spectrum of flavors. )



With an excitement of Moringa original flavor Organic Moringa Tea original a fresh & clean tea with highly bio available essential nutrients of “Miracle Tree” Moringa, gives you full healthy day experience. Combination of fresh Moringa with a little touch of lemongrass can be used to meet your daily needed essential nutrients. 

Our superior variety of Moringa oleifera used in our certified organic Moringa tea blend possessing superior nutrient compound, finest leaves hand harvested in right stage, hygienically low temperature FREEZE DRIED by single untouched batch wise process to protect all the nutrients, original color, aroma, taste, and flavor of our superior Moringa oleifera and other wonderful organic ingredients, leading our Moringa tea blend top class in quality. 

The world’s most nutritious tree ‘Moringa leaf’ contains approximately 20 types of amino acids, 46 types of antioxidants, 36 anti-inflammatory compounds – All natural 90+ nutrients make for the best natural nutritional supplement. It is a tremendous source of bio-available vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin E and Macro Minerals, Trace Minerals, Phyto nutrients.  Moringa leaves are a good source of bio available quality protein & dietary fiber. 

Moringa leaf boosts your energy in a natural manner. Another property of the Moringa leaf is its soothing ability, because of which it can lower the blood pressure and promotes good sleep. It is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Moringa Oleifera has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. Organic Veda Moringa tea leaves are freeze dried, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized.


ORGANIC VEDA MORINGA powder is the source of incredible health benefits. It's the ultimate, natural, organic, energy and endurance health supplement. The pure, powdered, Moringa leaf is the most potent part of the plant. The Moringa leaf powder is exceptional in nutrition’s, highly bio available vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids. 

The ORGANIC VEDA MORINGA powder is highest in nutrient level to meet the day-to-day human nutrient requirements. In countries where the main diet is a starchy dish, the sauce served along with is exceptionally nutritious. It could easily be added to such sauces, as a source of protein, vitamins, minerals and as a source of the sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine, which are often in short supply. Virtually every household can maintain a stock of Moringa oleifera powder.

Organic Veda Moringa Leaves Powder can be added to any food or beverage and it will increase the vitamin, mineral and protein content. For healthy individuals, a few spoonfuls of Moringa Leaf Powder can be added to any meal to make it more nutritious. Since the nutrient content of Moringa Leaf Powder decreases if exposed to heat, add the powder after the food or drink has been prepared, just before serving. There are endless ways to incorporate Moringa leaf powder into the diet. The Moringa leaf powder can be used as a tea, added to beverages, sprinkled on food or taken in capsules. Moringa powder can be used in cooking or salads. 

The world’s most nutritious tree ‘Moringa leaf’ contains approximately 20 types of amino acids, 46 types of antioxidants, 36 anti-inflammatory compounds – All natural 90+ nutrients make for the best natural nutritional supplement. It is a tremendous source of bio-available vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin E and Macro Minerals, Trace Minerals, Phyto nutrients. Moringa leaves are a good source of bio available quality protein & dietary fiber.

Moringa leaf boosts your energy in a natural manner. Another property of the Moringa leaf is its soothing ability, because of which it can lower the blood pressure and promotes good sleep. It is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Moringa Oleifera has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. Organic Veda Moringa tea leaves are freeze dried, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized.

MORINGA - Dr. Lindsey Duncan on ABC The View


The ORGANIC VEDA MORINGA capsule is made from 100% pure organic Moringa leaves grown by our Superior variety of Moringa oleifera. Each VEGETARIAN capsule contains 380 mg Powdered Certified Organic Moringa Leaf.

ORGANIC VEDA offers superior, natural and organic nutrition supplement which has no harmful side effects at all. ORGANIC VEDA MORINGA capsules are a powerhouse of rich nutrition value to accomplish your positive health and well-being. The ORGANIC VEDA MORINGA capsule is made from 100% pure organic Moringa leaves grown by our Superior variety of Moringa oleifera. Naturally gives you daily needed essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids.
Moringa Capsules - Bio Chart

Our superior variety of Moringa oleifera leaves used in our certified organic capsule supplement possessing superior nutrient compound, finest leaves hand harvested in right stage, hygienically low temperature FREEZE DRIED by single untouched batch wise process to protect all the nutrients, original color of our superior Moringa oleifera.

*Contains NO sugar, starch, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, corn, soy, yeast, wheat, grain, egg or milk product.  100% Natural & Organic 

The world’s most nutritious tree ‘Moringa leaf’ contains approximately 20 types of amino acids, 46 types of antioxidants, 36 anti-inflammatory compounds – All natural 90+ nutrients make for the best natural nutritional supplement. It is a tremendous source of bio-available vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin E and Macro Minerals, Trace Minerals, Phyto nutrients.  Moringa leaves are a good source of bio available quality protein & dietary fiber.

Moringa leaf boosts your energy in a natural manner. Another property of the Moringa leaf is its soothing ability, because of which it can lower the blood pressure and promotes good sleep. It is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Moringa Oleifera has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. Organic Veda Moringa tea leaves are freeze dried, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized.


There are few natural plants on this world that can be legitimately called a “superfood.” One of the most powerful superfoods calledMoringa Oleiferahas finally found its’ way into the Western World and some medical professionals are going so far as to call Moringa Oleifera the “Miracle Tree.”Since it is fairly new to the western world, not many people know about this amazing plant. So what is Moringa Oleifera and why are medical professionals calling it the “Miracle Tree?”
What is Moringa Oleifera?
Moringa Oleifera is a tree that primairly grows in the foothills of the Himalayas. However, it can be found scattered among portions of India, Malaysia, and the Philippines. It can grow up to 36 feet in height and can live as long as 20 years if undisturbed. However, people native to areas in which moringa oleifera grows often cut the leaves back 4-5 feet each year to harvest the leaves and pods that grow on the tree.
What are the benefits of Moringa Oleifera?
The primary benefit of Moringa Oleifera is the high nutritional value of the leaves. In one serving of Moringa Oleifera leaves, you can find:

  • 125% daily value of Calcium
  • 61% daily value of Magnesium
  • 41% daily value of Potassium
  • 71% daily value of Iron
  • 272% daily value of Vitamin A
  • 22% daily value of Vitamin C
In total, there are over 90 different vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients in Moringa oleifera.There is no other “superfood” on Earth that can make a claim like this. Moringa Oleifera is a complete health product that will not only provide you with the vitamins you need, but also improve your overall health as well.
Moringa Oleifera also has other touted benefits such as:
  • lower blood pressure
  • improved mood
  • improved digestion
  • improved immune system function
  • protects the stomach lining
  • treats stomach ulcers
  • boosts energy levels
  • Plus MANY MORE!

Moringa Oleifera For Weight Loss?
One of the biggest questions surrounding Moringa Oleifera is whether or not is can facilitate weight loss. While there are no distinctive studies, many medical experts believe Moringa Oleifera can help you lose weight for two key reasons:
First, Moringa Oleifera supplies the body with a tremendous amount of energy. This allows you to work harder at the gym, at work, or at home, so you’ll burn more calories throughout the entire day. Plus Moringa Oleifera allows you to be more productive so you do not have to work so hard catching up with your busy life.
Second, Moringa Oleifera helps naturally reduce your caloric intake by suppressing your appetite. When our body needs nutrients, our brain sends signals to our stomach to alert us we are hungry. However, if we eat the wrong foods, our body still craves nutrients and we continue to eat, and eat, and eat. In reality, if we just consumed the nutrients our body wants, we wouldn’t overeat. Moringa packs a whopping number of vitamins and minerals so that your body gets the nutrients it needs and your waist line won’t suffer as a result.

Buy Moringa Oleifera!
Moringa Oleifera is truly an amazing health product that can supply you with the energy, nutrition, and health benefits you need to improve your well being. Plus, with its’ weight fighting abilities, you can get healthy and lose weight at the same time!
The Moringa Oleifera comes in 3 different forms – capsules, tea, and powder.